中美双剑合璧 通用电气与华为达成合作协议_k1体育
本文摘要:US manufacturing giant General Electric has agreed a deal with Chinese technology and smartphone giant Huawei to help it improve production.美国制造业巨头通用电气早已和中国科技智能手机巨头华为达成协议,将协助华为提升生产力。US manufacturing giant General Electric has agreed a deal with Chinese technology and smartphone giant Huawei to help it improve production.美国制造业巨头通用电气早已和中国科技智能手机巨头华为达成协议,将协助华为提升生产力。GE hopes that by connecting all areas within a production process via the internet it can improve productivity, lower costs and reduce emissions. It predicts that the improvements will help it to save $500m (381m pound) this year.通用电气期望通过互联网将一件产品生产过程中所牵涉到的所有领域全都连接起来,这样就需要提升生产力、降低成本、增加排放量。通用电气预测这一改良将协助该公司今年节省5亿美元(约合3.81亿英镑)。
Both sides see the concept as a key step towards smart manufacturing.而合作双方都将这一概念视为迈进“智能生产”的关键一步。Shenzhen-based Huawei is one of the worlds biggest smartphone vendors behind Apple and Samsung. Huaweis managing director, William Xu, said it was very pleased with the deal.总部坐落于深圳的华为公司是全球仅次于的智能手机厂商之一,次于三星和苹果。华为常务董事徐文伟回应,华为对这一协议深感“十分失望”。The next ten years are an important period for the traditional economy to move to a digital economy... Companies can not cope with all the challenges alone, he added.徐文伟补足说:“未来十年将是传统经济迈进数字经济的一个最重要时期。
公司无法分开应付所有的挑战。”The move came as GE said that it still saw plenty of opportunities in China, despite the countrys slowing growth.尽管中国的经济增长速度正在上升,但是通用电气方面回应,他们依然在中国看见了大量的机会,所以他们采行了该行动。Yes the economy is growing at a slower growth rate... but its the the worlds second-largest economy so theres plenty of opportunity, said GE vice chairman John Rice, speaking in Shanghai.通用电气副主席约翰·瑞斯在上海谈到:“是的,经济增长速度正在上升,但是中国是世界第二大经济体,因此这里有很多机会。”Chinas economy grew at an annual rate of 6.7% in the first quarter of the year, its slowest quarterly growth for seven years.2016年第一季度,中国的经济年增长率为6.7%,为7年来低于。
The US-based multinational firm is a huge conglomerate, whose business interests include everything from manufacturing jet engines, to providing firms with finance, developing software, and making consumer goods such as dishwashers and coffee-makers.美国通用电气是一家可观的跨国企业集团,该公司的业务领域还包括生产喷气式发动机、为公司获取融资、开发软件以及生产洗碗机和咖啡机之类的消费品。