推特正式告别140字符时代 限制放宽至280字符‘k1体育’
本文摘要:After testing longer tweets with some people since late September, Twitter is giving the feature to everyone.在去年9月底在部分用户中测试长推文后,推特相反所有用户对外开放这项功能。After testing longer tweets with some people since late September, Twitter is giving the feature to everyone.在去年9月底在部分用户中测试长推文后,推特相反所有用户对外开放这项功能。All Twitter users except those tweeting in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages will now be able to tweet up to 280 characters, the company said.该公司日前回应,除用于中文、日文和韩文发推的用户外的所有推特用户,现在都将可以公开发表最少280个字符的推文。Twitter decided to permanently expand its iconic 140-character restriction after users with access to the test spent more time on the platform and received more engagement, like retweets and likes, from the longer tweets.由于参予测试的用户刷推特的时间减少,且其宽引文进账的发送和点赞等对话更加多,因此推特要求永久拓展其标志性的140字符容许。During the first few days of the test many people Tweeted the full 280 limit because it was new and novel, but soon after behavior normalized, wrote Twitter product manager Aliza Rosen in the blog post.推特产品经理阿里扎·罗森在博文中写到:“在测试的头几天里,许多用户就发送到了280个字符的信息,因为很新鲜、很独有,但旋即之后,发送到不道德就规范了许多。
”We saw when people needed to use more than 140 characters, they Tweeted more easily and more often. But importantly, people Tweeted below 140 most of the time and the brevity of Twitter remained.“我们看见,当用户必须发送到多达140字符的信息时,他们处置一起更加非常简单了,发送到的频率也提升了。更加最重要的是,用户大部分时间发送到的信息会超过140字符,Twitter的简洁性以求存留沿袭。
”But not all 330 million users can tweet at the doubled length.但并不是所有3.3亿的推特用户可以公开发表字数减倍的推文。Chinese, Japanese and Korean will remain at 140 characters because cramming is not an issue in these languages, the company said.推特公司称之为,中文、日文和韩文仍将是140字,“因为这些语言可以用很少的文字传达很多信息。